
Showing posts from July 18, 2016

Parliament takes the Public Private Partnership Bill, 2016 through the second reading

Parliament has taken the Public Private Partnership (PPP) Bill, 2016 through the second reading. The passage of the bill would boost Investor confidence and foster Private Sector Participation in (PPP) in the provision of Public Infrastructure And Services. The Bill seeks to establish a legal framework for the Development, Implementation and Regulation of Public Private Partnership Arrangements and Projects between Public Institutions And Private Entities for the provision of Public Infrastructure And Service. Public Private Partnership is a contractual relationship that enables the Public Sector to harness the expertise and efficiencies of the Private Sector, in the delivery of certain facilities and services traditionally procured and delivered by Public Institutions. Moving the motion for the second reading, The Deputy Minister for Finance and Economic Planning, Monah Quartey, said the Bill is structured in such a

World big penis Survey- Ghana ranked number 3 on the list

Ghanaian men are reported to place third in the world when it comes to penis size, according to a new research. Ghanaian men have a penis size averaging 6.8 inches when erect, the study says. In the research covering 113 nationalities by German Richard Lynn, emeritus professor of psychology at Ulster University, the men of the Republic of Congo lead the pack with 7.1 inches. They are followed by Ecuadorean men at 7 inches, Ghanaians at 6.8 inches and the Colombians at 6.7 inches. A report by the Mail of the UK citing the report noted that British men typically have bigger penises than their French neighbours ? but are less well endowed than the Germans. In Europe, the research shows, Icelanders are the best endowed at 6.5 inches and the Irish are the second smallest at 5.03 inches ? behind only Romanians at 5.01 inches, the report says. The Mail, listed the following in a table. Republic of Congo ? 7.1 Ecuador ? 7 Ghana ? 6.8 Columbia ? 6.7 Iceland ? 6.5 Italy ? 6.2

Video: Demba Ba suffers horrific injury. This could be the end of his career

  Former Chelsea and Newcastle striker Demba Ba suffered a horrific injury in the Chinese Super League’s Shanghai derby on Sunday. Ba, 31, had netted 14 goals in 18 appearances for Shanghai Shenhua this season but appeared to badly break his leg in a tangle with a Shanghai SIPG FC defender. Click the link below for the video
 One member of the music trio, VVIP, Reggie Rockstone has urged fans to discard the notion that, he was unperturbed about the feud between his member, Prodigal and Shatta Wale. According to him in an interview with the queen of the juice, Vanessa Gyan on Route 919 on Live 91.9 Fm, he called both to order on the quiet. “I settled the misunderstanding on the quiet. I called them to order and made them understand that, we in this together and there was a need for us to live as one. “I couldn’t have sat down unconcerned, this are my people that I respect so much and have great love for so I did what I had to do.” Rockstone went on to big up Shatta and Prodigal. “They are doing well and glad to have Prodigal as a team member and Shatta is an amazing guy, very hardworking, ” he said. During this year’s SallahFest, The Shatta Movement Family decided to organize a show for their star, Shatta Wale at Nima, on the same day and vicinity as also planned by VVIP. Prodigal w

Obama Calls For Calm After Three Police Officers Killed In Dallas Shootings

President Obama has called for restraint after three police officers were shot dead in the city of Baton Rouge in Louisiana. The gunman, Gavin Long, an African-American who had served for five years in the Marines, was also killed.  He had posted videos on the internet complaining about police treatment of African-Americans. Tensions in Baton Rouge have been high since a black man Alton Sterling was shot dead by police two weeks ago. That death – and a second police shooting in Minnesota – sparked protests across the United States and triggered a revenge attack by a black army veteran who shot dead five officers in the city of Dallas. In a live broadcast from the White House, President Obama called upon all Americans to unite and refrain from divisive language.

Mystery tree that 'bears fruit like shape of women' found in Thailand

A strange tree growing in Thailand appears to bear fruit in the exact shape of a young woman - and it's baffling the internet. But while many are amazed by the shape of the  green fruits  , others are less convinced by the confusing footage. In  Buddhist mythology  , a tree known as the Nariphon bears the fruit of young female creatures and is said to grow in the mythical forest called Himaphan. The story goes that Buddhist God Indra a home in the forest for his wife Vessantara and his two children. But when Vessantara went out into the forest to collect food, she was in danger of being attacked by terrifying male creatures. Indra then created 12 special Nariphon trees which would bear fruit in his wife's image to distract the creatures while she picked her own food. The men would take these fruits back to their homes and after making love to them would sleep for four months, and lose their powers. According to Thai folklore, after Indra and his wife died, the
Microsoft has said it will miss its target of getting its Windows 10 operating system running on more than one billion devices by 2018. In a statement, it said problems with its smartphone business would delay it hitting the milestone. The software giant has struggled to find customers for Windows phones in a market dominated by Android and Apple. Microsoft says Windows 10 is in active use on about 350 million separate devices at present. Poor sales Released in July 2015, Windows 10 has been built to act as a unifying platform across desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, small embedded systems and the Xbox One games console. Shortly before the main release of the operating system, Microsoft set itself the target of getting the software on to one billion devices. However, its plans took a knock soon after when it sacked 7,800 people in its smartphone business and wrote off the entire value of the Nokia phone business it bought in

South African rally driver Gugu Zulu dies on Kilimanjaro

Mr Zulu, 38, was on a Nelson Mandela-linked charity trip to raise funds to buy sanitary towels for girls. Mr Zulu and his wife Letshego both descended Mount Kilimanjaro when he experienced breathing problems on Sunday, according to local reports. In his last Facebook post, the three-times national rally champion posted he had flu-like symptoms. Mr Zulu won the hearts of many South Africans with his warm spirit as a motorsport television presenter and was well-loved even by those who did not follow racing, say the BBC's Pumza Fihlani in Johannesburg. "Made it though (stet) day2. My wife is doing fabulous, she has even learnt the local language. Am having flu like symptoms and struggling with the mountain but taking it step by step!! Today we managed to see our destination and our camp is literary above the clouds!!" he said in his last post 16 July. The pair, affectionately known as the "adventure couple", were celebrated in South African sportin

Don’t condemn Ken Agyapong; investigate allegations – Otiko Djaba

The National Women’s Organiser of the New Patriotic Party (NPP) says instead of the public-wide condemnation of Kennedy Agyapong, his allegations that Chairperson of the Electoral Commission (EC) secured her job by granting sexual favours should be investigated. According to her, if the allegation by the Assin Central legislator is left to die, it may leave doubts in the minds of Ghanaians and hence have far reaching consequences on the outcome of this year general elections. “We are going into an election, the referee is alleged to have something doing with one party in the game, and you say we shouldn’t find out the truth in it but rather crucify the person who made the allegation?” Otiko Djaba quizzed. Following Mr Agyapong’s allegations that Madam Charlotte Osei got her job to Chair the EC after sleeping with power brokers, there have several condemnations by National Democratic Congress (NDC) women groups and other women rights activists. Some of them have also pet

Montie contemnors found guilty: Case adjourned

Contemnors in a case of threat against justices of the Supreme Court have been found guilty. The court presided over by Justice Sophia Akuffo found the accused guilty for scandalizing the court, defying and lowering the authority of the court and bringing it into disrepute. Two radio panelists, Godwin Ako Gunn and Alistair Nelson were cited for inciting hatred against, and threatening to kill, justices of the Supreme Court. The host of the programme on which the comments were made, Salifu Maase known as Mugabe and owners of the station are currently at the Supreme Court to answer why they should not be held for contempt. Counsel for the owners of the station, Nana Ato Dadzie is pleading for mercy. He says although a threat on the lives of the judges and any other Ghanaian is despicable and ought to be condemned as insensitive no matter how empty they are – especially when they are made on the eve of martyr’s day, the accused should be pardoned. He quoted Mark 3