
Showing posts from September 2, 2016

PPAG : Teenage Pregnancy Rampant In Three Districts Of Ashanti

Teenage pregnancy is rampant in three districts in the Ashanti Region, according to a survey by the Planned Parenthood Association of Ghana (PPAG). The three districts are the Ejisu-Juaben and Asokore Mampong municipalities and the Ahafo Ano South District. Apart from that, early marriage is also common in some households in the areas. At a Public Education forum organised by the PPAG at Apromase in the Ejisu-Juaben Municipality, the Middle Zone Manager of the PPAG, Mrs Elizabeth Acheampong, said the PPAG gathered in its survey that one in every five girls was a victim of teenage pregnancy in these three districts. She said the association looked at the problem with great concern and added that it was important for the public to be wary of the issues leading to the increased cases of early marriage and teenage pregnancy in the area, specifically at Apromase, Asawase and Mankranso. Early marriages According to Mrs Acheampong, the PPAG gathered from the study that ear

Mahama Celebrates 1m Facebook Milestone

President John Mahama has patted his Facebook fans on the back after recording one million likes on his official page. In a short video to thank his fans, Mahama said the direct interaction he has had with his fans on Facebook has been beneficial because they have made him a “better leader.” “Thanks to you all my dear friends. We’ve just achieved a major milestone. We are one million already on Facebook… The ultimate objective of politics is human interaction for progress and development and Facebook offers us the opportunity to exchange views, ideas and emotions in a direct manner,” Mahama said in the video. “Because of this exchange, you know me better, and I feel, I know and understand you better too. You’ve made me a better leader and in a sense a better person. I hope that in turn I have made you proud of our mother Ghana… I am and forever will be one of you.” Mahama, who is seeking a second term in office, has promised to do more to transform lives. “This i