LIFESTYLE GUIDE : Things You Must NEVER Do To A Vagina
Just like the male penis , there is no manual that comes with the vagina. And with the African pseudo-conservative nature, most females don’t get actual lessons on what to do or not to do with their genitals. Most females have been taught to keep their private parts private, and thus they tend to totally ignore it without taking special care of it. This is a mistake and women must be aware of the importance of paying attention to this sensitive part of their body. The reproductive health of most females often manifests itself through symptoms in the vulva and vagina. This part of the body is delicate but needs special attention. Truth is there are proper and improper uses of a vagina, and here are the improper uses: 1. DON’T use vaginal douches A vaginal douche may seem harmless enough but according to scientific research, douches alter the natural pH of your lady part thus making it more vulnerable to infection. 2. DON’T use soap...