Inflation Rate For June, 2016 Decreases From 18.9 Percent To 18.4 Percent In The Month Of May.

Inflation Rate For June, 2016 Decreases From 18.9 Percent To 18.4 Percent In The Month Of May.

The Year-on-Year Inflation Rate, as measured by the Consumer Price Index, for the Month of June, 2016 decreased by 0.5 percentage point from 18.9 percent recorded in May, 2016.
The Rate of Inflation for June, 2016 is the percentage change, in the Consumer Price Index, over the twelve-month period, from June 2015 to June 2016.
However, the Monthly Change Rate, for the Month of June, was 1.3 percent, compared to the 1.1 percent recorded for May, 2016.
In June 2016,the year-on year inflation rate was 18.4%,compared with the 18.9% recorded in May, 2016.The monthly change rate in June 2016, was 1.3%, while that for May 2016 was 1.1%.
The Year-on-year non-food inflation Rate, for June 2016, was 24.1% compared with the 25.0%,recorded in May 2016.
The Year-on-Year Food Inflation Rate for June 2016, was 8.6%,compared with the 8.5%, recorded in May 2016.The Year-on-Year Non-Food Inflation rate representing 24.1% was about three times that of the food inflation rate representing 8.6%.
The Year-On-Year Inflation Rate for locally-produced items, representing 18.9% was 1.8% percentage points higher than, that of the imported items representing 17.1% for June 2016.
The main ‘price drivers’ for The Non-Food Inflation Rate were Transport representing 40.3%,Education with 33.3%,housing,water,electricity,gas and other fuels with 32.8%,and recreation and culture with 27.4%.
The ‘price drivers’ for the food inflation rate were Vegetables representing 12.5%,Oils and fats with 11.2%,Fruits with 10.4%,Mineral water, soft drinks, fruit and vegetable juices with 10.1%,Coffee,tea and cocoa with 9.9%,meat and meat products with 8.8%.
Greater Accra and Ashanti Regions, recorded inflation rates higher than the national average of 18.4%.The Greater Accra Region recorded the highest Year-On-Year Inflation Rate of 22.4%,followed by the Ashanti Region with 20.5%, while the Upper East Region recorded the lowest with 13.8%.Dr.Philomina Nyarko is the Government Statistician.


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