Parliament has ratified regulation C/REG.4/05/2008 on, Harmonization of Rules Governing Quality Control, Certification and Marketing of Plant Seeds and Seedlings, in the ECOWAS Region


It is estimated that, The Agricultural Sector, contributes between 25 to 55% of the GDP of ECOWAS Member Countries.

However, the Sector is characterized by dominance of small- scale farming with low productivity, due in part, to the low use of fertilizers and poor seeds. in many cases, the response to the increasing demands for food has resulted in the  expansion of the area cultivated.

This strategy has contributed to the progressive land degradation in its attendance loss of fertility.

According to the reported submitted by the Food, Agriculture and Cocoa Affairs, potential demand for seeds for six crops (maize rice, sorghum, cowpea, soya beans and groundnuts.) in seven countries (Ghana, Nigeria, Burkina Faso, Senegal, Niger, Mali, And the Gambia.) increased from 565,000 to 762,676 tons between 2009 and 2012, whiles the actual seeds supplied during the same period increased from 35,000 to 99,452 tons.

Thus the demand for seeds was much greater than supply during the period under consideration. In 2015, the supply of seeds in these countries increased to 314,000 tons.

Moving the motion for adoption the Chairman of the Select Committee on Food, Agriculture and Cocoa Affairs and MP for Shama, Gabriel Essilfile Kwadwo, urged the House to expedite action on the passage of the Plant Breeders’ Bill, to provide an incentive for Research, And Private Sector Investment, in seeds production.

MP for Kwadaso and Ranking member on the Committee, Dr. Afriyie Akoto Owusu, said, the ratification will reduce smuggling  of fertilizers and other related products, in the  development of Agriculture in Ghana and beyond.


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