A Nuclear Legacy Within Reach

Air Force has formally begun the process of asking defense contractors
to submit proposals for a new long-range cruise missile and a new
land-based intercontinental ballistic missile. These two weapons,
capable of carrying nuclear payloads, will cost billions of dollars. The
first is unnecessary; the second, debatable.
invitations are ostensibly aimed at modernizing the nation’s nuclear
arsenal. The weapons’ dubious value aside, the requests also seem to
contradict President Obama’s 2009 promise to change American nuclear
policy in ways that would make the nation safer by reducing threats from
the world’s most lethal weapons.
Obama, who knows he is running out of time to make good on that pledge,
recently made one positive decision — to pursue a United Nations
Security Council resolution that calls on all nations to refrain from
nuclear testing and to ratify the Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty. The
resolution is an attempt to compensate for the Senate’s refusal to
ratify the treaty, even though it was signed by President Bill Clinton
in 1996. The United States, along with every other country with nuclear
weapons except North Korea, has voluntarily observed a testing
moratorium for years, and the administration wants to make sure it
remains in effect.
are other legacy-building moves Mr. Obama can take before he leaves
office, not least rolling back the Pentagon’s outsize plans to modernize
the entire nuclear arsenal over the next 30 years, including aircraft,
submarines and warheads, at an estimated $1 trillion. The cruise missile
and the intercontinental ballistic missile are just a part of those
plans. Under current budget caps, spending all that money on nuclear
capability will leave little for conventional weapons.
The new cruise missile, faster and with a greater range than the existing version, should be canceled. In a letter
to Mr. Obama last month, 10 Democratic senators, including Bernie
Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, called the weapon “an unnecessary
capability that could increase the risk of nuclear war.” And some
defense experts, like former Defense Secretary William Perry, have
argued that the land-based intercontinental ballistic missiles are no
longer needed. In other words, the time has come to think seriously
about whether that leg of the traditional air-sea-land nuclear triad
should be gradually retired.
Mr. Obama is unwilling to cancel either of these programs, he should at
least give his successor the political space to rethink such
investments by appointing a commission to examine the full range of the
Pentagon’s modernization plans. Another useful step would be to reduce
the stockpile of 2,500 or so nuclear warheads held in reserve. Mr. Obama
could also declare that the United States would not be the first to use
nuclear weapons. In 2010, he said the United States would not use or
threaten to use nuclear weapons against any non-nuclear weapons country.
A blanket no-first-use policy would put a further check on future
Pentagon and some Republicans are resisting many of these ideas. But
Mr. Obama still has the responsibility and, if he moves swiftly, the
time to advance his vision of a safer world.
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